Tuesday, 5 December 2017

Dear Aspiring Learner,

Are you looking for a job OR looking for growth in career.? Don't worry you are at a right platform.!!

"Digital India - Online training program"  " Save Time, Save Money and rest assured about the Fastest Growth "

India is moving to digital india as the trend now we started online training program much better than offline programs. Live classroom facility, No time waste in commuting, No matter where you are you can avail this course. No limitations, no hassle of reaching on time and worries on missing sessions. 
Revise as many times as you want at your comfort, as live recordings are available, 

It doesn't matter in which corner of country you are (Kashmir to Kanyakumari), we have got you covered.

Whoever is in need OR looking for a program which can help them build their technical strength and give them confidence to talk in English fluently and provide a real time corporate experience, we are here to help you.

We are serving the society by this online training program in India by providing this course on a very economic price which any student can easily afford.

It's an initiative to  Save Money, Save Time and SAVE OUR TRESS by avoiding usage of PAPER on making study materials... It's an approach for Fastest growth in career . 

Our Offerings :

1. For Freshener’s  (Of any Branch)

2. For Corporates  (We provide corporate trainings to IT employees)

3. For IT students  (CS, IT) (Especial program for IT students to Horne their skill set)

4. For non IT students (who are willing to get in to IT) 

5. Any individual who's willing to learn technology.

Expert trainers  -  Our pool of expert trainer who has worked in Top MNC companies like Apple, IBM, Accenture, TCS ,Oracle, Wipro etc...With this rich industry experience, we started online corporate trainings. In these 8 years of training, trained more than 2000 people so far. More than 90% of trained students placed in various Top MNC companies.

Technology :
We provide training on -  Core java, J2EE, Spring MVC, Web services, Hibernate, JDBC, SQL, Live Project Development

All Front End Technologies (HTML4/HTML5 ,CSS ,JAVA SCRIPT , ANGULAR JS , JQUERY , AJAX) & back end technologies , Cloud , devops technologies.). 

Please contact us if are you looking online training program:

Mail id - hr@virajetech.com
Contact no. -  91-7411909142)
Website -        http://www.virajetech.com
Sample learning -  https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B8mF1AHMdJpkLVBhQ3hSWHlmVGM

Note : We provide 2 weeks free demo class for your understanding and evaluation.
Once you are interested in taking up our online training program then we will share a link with you so that you can connect to us directly from that virtual platform.

New Batch Schedule :  Starting from  9 DEC 2017’              -----------Core Java / Advance Java/ Frameworks /Cloud/UI Technologies/Academic/Corporate/Real Time Project

Package Details : 

Package 1.  Core Java ==> 3 months ==>  3000/- INR

Package 2.  Core Java  + Advance Java ==> 3 months + 2 months ==>  5000/- INR 

Package 3.  Core Java + Advance Java + Frameworks ==> 6 months  ==> 6000/- INR

Package 4. Core Java + Advance Java + Framework (Hiberante +Spring +Webservices) + UI technologies (Angular js + jquery+node JS + Mango DB+HTML5+CSS+JavaScript+Ajax) ==>  6 months ==> > 7000 INR

Package 5.  Special Offer *  FREE with package 5 : Placements assistance  + Resume building free + Technical Interview + Mock Interview+ Mock Test Paper

Core java + Algorithms / Data structure + advance java (Servlet+JSP+JDBC) +  framework (Hiberante +Spring +Web services) + UI technologies (Angular JS + jQuery node JS +Mango DB +HTML5+CSS+JavaScript+Ajax) + DevOps (svn/ git / bit bucket + Jenkins + unix /linux + shell script + tools (puppet) SQL/Oracle + cloud AWS +Corporate project development / Final Year Academic project Training+ Web Hosting  ==> 6 Months  ==>  13000/- INR

Package 6. Framework : Hibernate + Spring +Web Services ==> 3500/- INR

    I.    Hibernate  ==>      2000/- INR
    ii.   Spring     ==>        2500/- INR
    iii.  WebServices ==>  2000/- INR  

Package 7.   UI technologies ==>  3500/- INR 

Package 8.   Angular JS + Jquery  ==>  2000/- INR

Package 9.    Node JS   ==>  2000/= INR

Package 10.  Cloud AWS ==>  2000/- INR

Note :  Final year BE/MCA project training + real time tools training + Notes/Docs  ==> 5000/- INR 
            Corporate Project training    ==>  8000/- INR

Note : After completion this course Freshers/Experienced/Non IT/BPO Persons  can get easily crack the interviews and get the jobs easily in 
           Software companies . We are supporting all College level students also so they can get the jobs in campus time only.   

Goodies for all our candidates: FREE OF COST

Soft skills training, Group discussion, Personal Interview, HR interview preparation, 3000 GRE Vocabulary program, Aptitude / Reasoning - Test series, One corporate project training & project .